It took me so long to find a part time art class in KL and all my classmates said the same thing on the first day of tutorials.
So for those who are interested, I hv appended a link of this very lovely place where under the expert guidance of Ms Shia Yih Yiing, I am having so much fun reconnecting with my art itch that never went away.
The location : MIA ART Centre, Jalan Ampang
course details link
Though MIA's brochure will give a rather detailed description of their course content, as a working adult who have not touched art pencils, paper or brushes for a long time…..many of us were ill prepared what to expect.
this is some output of what I learnt from 4 months' tutorials:
hello dear
i am so keen to join this art class. i wonder, do they have class on weekend?
hey cloud 9, sorry for late reply…was traveling :).
pls click on the course details link and you will find all relevant contacts for the teacher/course where you can call them directly to check whats the latest MIA is offering for 2012 :D
All the best on yr art journey
Hey michelle.. I was wondering if maybe u can tell me the estimated cost for the whole art class; from beginners to the end(including art supplies)... & how long does it take? I'm a college student, so, i need to know how much money i should save up for the class..: ) thanx..
Btw, i was hoping dat maybe u can send the answer to tis email add. It's naskyn at yahoo dot com. Thanx again!!
Hi Michell, i am a parent of a 15 year old who is very much interested in animation and illustrations. Do you know of any weekend classes i can sent him to. TQ Anne
Hi!I'm Wai Mun, can I know the adult art class still available?
Dear Sir
I am opening an elderly care centre and would like to decorate my centre with some large art pieces based on your work.
Do u have any large prints that I can buy from you?
Really appreciate your response.
Thanking you
Brian Eldercare
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