Today was an exercise to do close ups of flowers and we were told to bring photos of our subjects for referencing~
When Andrea told me the night before that she will be bringing 3 prepared sketches of lotus (hahaha, she chose some of my EOS debut shots of the lotus blooms around my house…which I had also thought was a good option because of the detailed light and dark shadings)….I said I will bring my camera to snap Ms Shia's facial reactions to Andrea's super efficiency!!
This morning, true enough Ms Shia's look was worthy to be featured onto "candid camera" la but alas I forgot to pack my camera….tsk tsk ;(
Anyhow, seeing how we are so well prepared…we plunged into our work very quickly…
It was an exercise of super wet glazing and we had to be rather quick to make dabs of contrast on alternate petals while the paper was still damp….
aaaargh definitely ~ given the 2 hours we were there….it was not easy to paint a rose!

I came home very dissatisfied with my rose attempt~
And today being Vesak Day and a public holiday, I decided to give it another go since Andrea was so kind to give me a piece of her pre-traced lotus outline for practise , bless her …our Ms Super Efficient Ms Boult ;)))
Aiya, I dont think I will likely pursue flora and fauna ….. not my forte and certainly not my passion.
But it's an exercise to train one's eye to look closely for the light vs dark spots so as to create a map when painting watercolors~
I am happier with my background but I think I overcooked my lotus colors….err, not a work that I will hang on my walls!
Yup, have to work on more flowers again soon~
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