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Thursday, December 30, 2010

in search of artful expressions: art and my iPad~ michellechoongkhoo

in search of artful expressions: art and my iPad~ michellechoongkhoo

art and my iPad~ michellechoongkhoo

i think it is so cool to have so many gadgets available to help our creativity along…..

This morning, I wanted to continue with my experimentation of the portable watercolor sketch box ……
It was pouring dogs and cats~ how appropriate to sketch my Tobie ;)
And with the aid of my iPad and caffeine induced energy….i set up the stuff on the coffee table and got to work~
Wooooo, its such a breeze~ sketch, paint , photograph, upload and blog all within 15 mins…..
Wow Very very handy indeed…..I'm loving it ♬

wooooh I think pretty soon I may become addicted to doing this quickie sketching stuff , hahahaha

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sketch~boy @ Gurney Drive Penang~michellechoongkhoo

it feels good to hv the creative juices flowing~

testing pocket field sketch box~ michellechoongkhoo

I bought this portable watercolor set w reusable waterbrush a few months back….
After a self imposed hiatus of inactivity, today I just decided to test it out !

aaaaah, pretty satisfying…..easy to manipulate the waterbrush and watercolor palette.
okay, am going to bring this along with me whenever I travel from now on…..
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