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Saturday, June 19, 2010

trying to get the essence of painting underwater shots

Taking the first steps towards painting underwater shots…..

The photo of my waterbabies frolicking at grandma's condo pool with many reflections on the skin, pool floor and upper mirage too ~

I had to apply frisket because I was not confident of leaving the white areas intact~

Today I also decided to test painting vibrant colors, almost direct from the tube with very little dilution.

11.5" x 15.5" on 200 gms cold press
Title : waterbabies
© michellechoong_khoo

Eddie said that my painting did not feel like it was underwater, not enough reflections…I agree!
And I need to size down the subject so that the body of water was bigger….
Either that or I need to work on bigger paper size of A2.
But I think I captured the essence of the fun that my waterbabies were having at their moments posing for my first Sony PS10 with underwater housing~

However I felt that in applying the paints too strong, the result was a loss of the translucent feel of watercolors….mmmm, needs to be reworked~

Comments or suggestions on how I should rework this? :)

Analysing my above art piece , I suddenly got the urge to experiment and see how the translucency of watercolor will turn out of portraits done onto a background of charcoal or oil pastels~
And I have just the right photos to exactly do my next triptych of mixed medium!

Jon with a statue of Buddha at an art gallery
Julian with a lionhead at Khoo Kongsi
Justin with a background of the soldiers at the KL monument

So excited ~

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