when the mood to paint stirs, when an idea germinates….time stood still.
So it was for me this morning~
I woke up with this idea itching to paint Justin with a basketball or football….. since the previous panels were done of his bros; Julian holding a fish frisbee and Jon holding a sunglass , I too wanted Justin to hold something that identifies his persona~
I went up to his room to get some inspirations.
I saw all his book shelves filled to the brim with magazines , comics, albums, books…..hey hey hey….a Harry Porter hardback!
That's it, excitedly still clad in my pyjamas mind you….I set to work ~
the first draft was swiftly outlined~
It was with enthusiasm , playfulness and I find it engaging to add the private items, this time a book, the details on the carpet as well as the suggestion of a wall papery background…..
I loved the notion that each sons' panels were all done with different background textures and each carrying a unique personal item that characterize their identification~
Justin's portrait was done in one sitting of 3hours….
Either I am improving on my time management or in Eddie's words, getting better and better with more practise? Hahahaha>
Well, I do love the finish ….do let me have yr feedbacks, tell me what you think of it~

11.5" x 15.5" on 200 gms cold press
Title: Justin, 4 years old MR LIBRARIAN
© michellechoong_khoo
My next triptych will be of my boys, aged 10 in different poses in twos and threes on larger formats…..I also want to try some 3 dimensional experiments ~
oooooh, time to go shopping for large easels, larger drawing blocks and larger mounting boards….but I will take it slowly~
Erm, time to put in longer hours in the office to earn my salary….hee hee, Director of Operations already grumbling!
to see all 3 panels together, link 1st triptych
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