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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happiness Quotient for the day~

quote "Unless you're extremely poor or gravely ill, life circumstances account for only about 10 percent of happiness. The other 40 percent depends on what you do to make yourself happy" unquote .

The internet is officially announced to be down till May 2nd…..
which means I cant upload my mac software upgrades ,
which means I cant upload my shots from my new toy EOS 550D,
which means I cant chat on FB or messenger or read emails ,
which means I have to fulfill my authenthic happiness quotient for the day through
my ART….

My lotus bloomed last night and gave me the chance to shoot some shots for inspiration~
My frangipani dispensed their flowers to grace my flower bowl for a chance to paint them~ and it was a lovely sunny afternoon , just nice to get a feel of what it would be like in future to try en plein air drawing.

I love my work table, recycled from an old dining table… was just what I needed ~
I can only work in a big space !

again quoting Dianne Hales "Laughing out loud is exactly the kind of adventurous, bold action that makes you feel happier"….

yess, I totally totally can vouch for the positive effects of the laughing out loud~
because after I have finished with my painting, signed off my signature with a flourish….
I look back at them paintings and I definitely laughed heartily….
so loud it made my beagle, Elmo barked out in fear….
art mission accomplished, I rewarded myself to a fresh icy cold honey lemonade….
aaaah my happiness quotient achieved , what a great Saturday it was today~

Life is a Gift


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