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Monday, March 8, 2010

finger exercises~michellechoongkhoo persists in her art

It actually feels good to exercise these rusty fingers of mine~

I took heed of Ms Shia's advise to look at everyday things , notice how the light bounce off objects…took snapshots of interesting stuff that I could try my hand at sketching some later dates.

And while reading The Sunday STAR, an interesting write up on local Malaysian artist Tan Wei Kheng (link to STAR story) with his "Interior Attraction" caught my eye~

Wow if only I have a chance to take photos of the remote inhabitants of the interiors like him….then I'm struck with the thought, hey why not try to see what my sketches of his works will look like ?
Of coz I know , my art is yet so basic and my journey of self discovery is just beginning...I have a long long way to go still….these are so school girl efforts…but hey, like when I showed it to my son, Julian and he consoled me by saying "its only been one lesson, mum" …hee hee, what a sweet son he is.
It's obvious I have issues and my drawing of the baby , erm he is not looking as sweetly like a baby and I cannot make the old one look ancient enough. Definitely I'm not able to get the body propertions quite right yet …the shading is a little bit weird….etc etc etc
So I hope its not an insult to any artist , this instance Mr Tan Wei Kheng, whose work I try to learn from (and copy rather badly too, sorry) but its a long process ahead for me as I go in search of my own artful expressions.

Oooh, I can't wait for Thursday to come quickly enough.
This is something that is giving me "JOY" as in capital letters indeed~
How I wished I had been as resolute as my youngest brother who knew straight from Form 5 that he wanted to do art and nothing else. He is a respected art director and film producer…and I'm so proud of him~
For me, those MGS days way back , it was considered a shame not to be in Science stream and in the top class. And they do not offer options for anyone choosing to be in Science classes to be also able to pursue art lessons~ u know, have yr cake and eat it too~
and it was difficult to find private tutors to coach you in preparing for the exam too….
So silly goose me placing my ego above passion long ago, chose where it was deemed the "elite class" and never picked up the pencil or brushes for the last 30 odd years~ until now ….having fulfilled my work, family obligations, business, parenting responsibilities….now I can find the time to pamper myself~

The kids are luckier nowadays, their options are spread out like a huge buffet table at a hotel's week end hi tea…kids are spoilt for choice and indeed the world is their oyster!

But then as usual, I digress….my thoughts always fly off into different tangents or sometimes diverge faster than my fingers on the keyboard..haha.

Back to art and my finger exercises on a lazy Sunday, so it was that the time sped by so quickly that I did not even have time to prepare my lunch (it being my maid's off day) …
But luckily hubby had just stocked up his weekly supplies from his wholesale fruit supplier and so while dabbling ( or more aptly, struggling…hee hee) with sketching…I had a couple of tangy sweet chinese mandarin oranges, many slices of plump juicy red watermelon , a whole smashing fragrant fleshy 'water lily' mango and a few yummy exotic tasting seedless persimmons…what a gorgeous Sunday it was.
Life is simple, Life is sweet~ I'm so blessed.
mmmmm, I'm so thankful that I can also say, these days my world is my oyster too.

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