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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

learning from William L Maughan~michellechoongkhoo

after 2 days practising with my 2B pencil… is time to open up William L Maughan's book "The Artist's Complete guide to DRAWING THE HEAD" which I bought from a few months back……

Amazing stuff, simple instructions….
I wanted to improve on my edges and shadows because I notice that with 2B alone, despite trying to incorporate tonal values, it does not quite give me the effect I wanted~

This is today's effort from learning how to use 3 charcoal pencils of dark, medium, light and following William's instructions on page 26 "The Shadow Shapes and Their Edges"…..

What a great investment it was to buy the book…..
what with all the online tutorials, books, blogs, youtube… it is so much easier to find art tutorials that way than it is to find advertisements for local art teachers!

I sometimes wonder why art teachers dont embrace modern technology to really reach out to their prospective students? 

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