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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Julian~ my sunshine , the bringer of laughter

hee3, this empty nester mum who only quite recently self declared herself no longer a helicopter anxious parent, nevertheless cant help but still  always think in threes when it comes to her kids , artwise included :)
  (and yup the realization that hoho hoho no matter their ages,  they'll always be that….my kids!)

Going into day 3 of my "2011 a sketch a day"…..its no brainer that naturally I have to complete yet another of my sons' triptych sketches…..

Here's a sketch from a favourite photo taken of Julian standing at Gurney Drive last year, drinking in the renewed beauty of the place….we were giddy with the beauty of the evening!
Gurney Drive, with new mangroves planted, with thousands of eco mud balls augmented by good bacteria to rid the awful ping during low tides….in early 2010 , it was becoming pleasant to walk on its boulevard again ~

And I had to bring my babe to experience what was my favourite haunting ground in my teens.

And I think this pose befittingly reflected that Gurney will once again become our favourite place to revisit and fall all over in love tenderly!

Did I already mention too that I so love Julian's Korean pop star pose?

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