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Monday, May 10, 2010

for the love of the rose…

I was looking thru my own favourite photo stock of roses……with the intention of trying to paint it in watercolor.

While researching on how to properly prepare glazing for watercolors, I found Susie Short's article to be the best and
easily understood by a novice like myself…..because she made it look so simple….

Then I thought that maybe video tutorials might better reinforced the glazing principles but oh lord, the couple of demos
available just took forever to load so I was diverted to search instead for roses and wow, I was blown away by these 2
were fantabulous demos …

This one shows how the rose was beautifully painted digitally~ awsome, talented, refreshing indeed

This one shows the effect of painting roses wet on wet on Rice paper….mmm, so delicately artistically drawn, mesmerizing to me~

Thank Goodness for the cyber technology these days…..of course we still need to buy books from the bookshops but we
dont need to buy so many these days!!

* Nobody cares if you can't dance well.
Just get up and dance.*

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