Females set loose in any environment where all it takes is a credit card to achieve self gratification is what keeps the economy moving along! Especially when all the items are innocently priced at less than RM10 (about usd 3) …..ayeiiiiii thats when my innate shopoholic instincts gets full arousal and I've lost "it" (my senses that is) one more time~~~~~shopping won , I admitted defeat with glee .
Today I unwrapped all the stuff I bought …..so many kinds of pencils , new watercolors, acrylic paints, brushes, sketch books ….decision decisions decisions….the dilemma of:
what to draw,
what to paint,
what to sketch ??????
Then my eyes fell to a book "Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil" by J D Hillberry.
Many a times, I had been flipping the pages and then closed it back.
Today I saw a detailed instruction of how to draw a baby's head….now that was a challenge I had battled previously without success , my baby looked like a miniature old man…..
today however, I was drawn to the intensity of those gorgeous eyes of the baby.
A quick checklist of the tools needed, made me realized very quickly that I dont have :
F graphite ,
6H pencil,
3B pencil,
HB charcoal,
treaded eraser , had bought it, cant find it now ;(((
and perhaps most crucial of whats lacking…..
last but not least, the know how….hahaha~
What I do have are lots of 2B, 4H, 6B , 9B, light/medium/dark charcoals, a chamois, a full set of tortillons for blending….so is it gonna stop me from drawing those eyes?
Noooo, of coz not ;) I am well known for improvising after all o.O
Isnt it wonderful being an adult art student?
The beauty of not having to stick to assignments and modules….
the flexibility of going whatever art directions wherever our fancies of the day take us~~~~~>♫♬♪♥
First I had to get hubby to chase away 2 fruit bats hanging on my fragrant coconut trees, destroy a bee's nest that was almost reaching full construction …..
and amidst all the adrenalin of all these 2 flurried activities ….
when I could finally sit at my art space without fear….
then only could I get to the task of tackling to the best of my ability to draw my baby with the most gorgeous eyes ;)
160gsm acid free* A5 cartridge paper
title: Gorgeous Eyes of Baby
if and shld I decide to focus on portraiture , I will definitely want to take another look at the online workshops of JD Hillberry.
And a big thank you goes to Andrea Boult , the best best classmate EVER~for loaning me a gem of a book.
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