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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

there's so much art blogs, websites out there to learn from~michellechoongkhoo

I'm so grateful that there is a whole gamut of artists' blogs, websites, tutorials out there about drawings. This is one fantastic website that I stumbled upon …miriam slater and her link to where insomniac last night, I managed to follow a 5 easy steps to create a man's profile by H. Edward Brooks.

I put to the test the simple instructions stroke by stroke tutorial and managed to complete the above in 10 mins….satisfied, I finally went to bed at 2.05Am~

There's alot more tutorials on a myriad range of lessons in all mediums in Miriam's website, wow oh wow and they are all free…
I'm so excited, it's gonna be my laboratory and cyber teacher for the next weeks ahead, whee whee woooo hoooo <3 <3 <3


Ron Morrison said...

Interesting (in a good way) blog to read and look at...

michelle's blue planet said...

Thanks Ron for dropping by~
It is such a joy for me to reconnect with art and I feel so honoured to get a favourable comment from an artist like you :).

I always look fwd to receive yr new postings in my google reader.
Just bursting with curiousity and I wonder if you have a story behind yr specialty of vintage cars painting?


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